OC Over Achievers
OCUSBC would like to recognize our Orange County bowlers receiving their perfect game awards.
Presentation by league secretary, Jon McGee (L), to Mike Bright (R) for his 1st 800 series, bowled Nov 18, 2019, Westminster Lanes, Kings & Queens league.
Nathan Abler bowled a 300 game at AMF Carter Lanes on April 22, 2019, in the 4 Aces league. The ring was presented by Linda Stewart, OCUSBC Director (L).
Matthew Ward bowled a 841 series at La Habra ‘300’ Bowl on July 18, 2019, in the Frank’s Gold Cup league. The ring was presented by Linda Stewart, OCUSBC Director (R).
Roy Burdick bowled an 800 series at AMF Carter Lanes on December 17, 2018, in the 4 Aces league. The ring was presented by Linda Stewart, OCUSBC Director (L).
Ramon Alliman bowled a 805 series at Westminster Lanes on March 14, 2019, in the Men’s Commercial league. The ring was presented by Andrea Fredericks, Association Manager (R).
Stephen Gagliano bowled a 300 game at Westminster Lanes on January 21, 2019, in the Monday Vegas league. The ring was presented by the league officers. (Their names are unknown).
Nathan Hornung (R) bowled a 300 game at La Habra ‘300’ Bowl on November 9, 2019, in the Vegas Gamblers league. Gary Compte (L) bowled a 300 game at La Habra ‘300’ Bowl on October 19, 2018, in the Vegas Gamblers league. The rings were presented by Ladine Jones, OCUSBC Director (M).
Hector Morales bowled a 300 game at AMF Carter Lanes on October 4, 2018, in the Sansei Mixed Trios league. The ring was presented by Linda Stewart, OCUSBC Director (L).
Mark Tway bowled a 300 game at AMF Carter Lanes on January 10, 2019, in the Silver & Gold league. The ring was presented by Linda Stewart, OCUSBC Director (L).
Dale Hart bowled an 823 series at AMF Carter Lanes on September 17, 2018, in the Club 55 Monday league. The ring was presented by Linda Stewart, OCUSBC Director (L).
Brian Carter bowled a 300 game at Saddleback Lanes on June 21, 2018, in the Vegas Bound league. The ring was presented by Jessica Diso, OCUSBC Director (L).
CHICK McKENNEY – 300 Game and an 802 Series. He bowled this honor score in the Roger Stone Insurance 840 Scratch Classic league at Fountain Bowl on Jan. 28, 2019.
CRAIG CERVANTES – 300 Game. He bowled this honor score in the His ‘N Hers league at Fountain Bowl on Jan. 24, 2019.
TREVOR BENNETT– bowled a 300 game in His ‘n Hers league at Fountain Bowl on Oct. 25, 2018
KEN MAXEY, JR. – bowled a 300 game in the Roger Stone Ins. 840 Scratch Classic at Fountain Bowl on Dec. 3, 2018
CHRIS HEFNER – bowled a 300 game in the 590 Classic league at Linbrook Bowl on Dec. 14, 2018 – it’s his 5th!
ERIK BLYAR bowled back to back 300 games and an 847 series on Oct. 21, 2018 in the 19th Annual Tozai Nikkei Tournament at Fountain Bowl.
JOHN OCCHIPINTI bowled a 300 game on August 14, 2018 in the 150 Yr. Old Senior Scratch league at Fountain Bowl.
JOSEPH NUNEZ bowled a 300 game on July 30, 2018, in his Ozzie’s Anchor Girl Trios league at Fountain Bowl.
2 Perfect Games! BRIAN MAURER rolled 218-300-300 for 818 at The Orleans during sweeps for his Aces & Eights league at Irvine Lanes on May 5, 2018.
2 Perfect Games! MATTHEW GOODLOE rolled 244-300-300 for 844 during his Men’s Commercial league at Westminster Lanes on April 19, 2018.
JIM HORNUNG, JR. bowled a 300 game in his Vegas Gamblers league at La Habra 300 Bowl on May 11, 2018.
NORM WALKER rolled a 300 game on April 6, 2018, in the So. Cal 590 Classic league at Linbrook Bowl. It’s his 7th!!
DAVE SNYDER rolled a 300 game and an 843 set in his Vegas Bound league on Apr. 5, 2018 at Irvine Lanes.
JAMES RICE rolled a 300 game on March 22, 2018, in his 150 Yr. Old Sr. Scratch league at Fountain Bowl.
JOHN PESCH bowled a 300 game on March 25, 2018, in his Deuces Wild league at Fountain Bowl.
TYLER ACEVEDO bowled 300 at Fountain Bowl on Jan. 28, 2018
GERALD (Jerry) VERTIGAN bowled an 815 series in his Vegas Gamblers league at La Habra 300 Bowl on 6/22/18 and turned around and bowled a 300 game in the very same league at La Habra on 8/6/18. His 300 and 800 rings were presented to him by OCUSBC director Ladine Jones -(L)
Richard Ployer bowled a 300 game June 22, 2018, on the Casino Rollers at AMF Carter. Linda Stewart (L), Director OCUSBC, presented the ring.
Tyler Acevedo bowled a 300 game January 28, 2018, on the Laughlin Nuggets league at Fountain Bowl. Gary Forman, President OCUSBC (R), presented the ring.
Andrew Clemmons bowled a perfect score (300) on June 6, 2018, on the Monday Vegas league at Westminster Lanes. Ring presenter is OCUSBC Director, Scot Maxwell (rt).
300 ring presentation to RICK SONG. He bowled his 300 in his Sansei Mixed Trios league at Carter Lanes on March 29, 2018. Ring presented by OCUSBC director, Linda Stewart – L.
BRIAN MAURER rings presentation for his back-to-back 300’s and 818 series. He bowled this on May 14 in his Aces and Eights league at Irvine Lanes. Rings were presented by OCUSBC Association Manager, Andrea Fredericks ( R )
300 ring presentation to JARRET RHOTON. He rolled his 300 game during sweeps on 3/24/18 in his River Magic league at the Riverside Hotel & Casino in Laughlin, Nv. Ring presented by OCUSBC director Greg Nardo (L), and president of the league, Donna Yoder (R)
Robert Hetzel bowled a 300 game on January 2, 2018, on the Silver Striking Senior League at AMF Carter Lanes. Presenter Linda Steward, director of OCUSBC (on right).
Leo Moreno receiving a 300 Game Crystal Award. He shot it at La Habra ‘300’ Bowl in the Vegas Gamblers League on January 19, 2018. Linda Stewart, Director for OCUSBC is presenting the award.
NOLAN DURLEY rolled a 300 game on Dec. 20, 2017, in his Riverside Rowdies league at Fountain Bowl.
RYAN KAUFMAN bowled a 300 and an 804 series in his Orleans Bound league at Fountain Bowl on Nov. 17, 2017.
JIM RICE bowled 300 on 11/16/17 in the 150 Yr. Old Senior Scratch league at Fountain Bowl
EDUARDO EBUENGA bowled a 300 game on 8/6/17 in the OC Travel Brunch league at Fountain Bowl.
VIRGILIO SABLAN bowled a 300 game on 10/17/17 at Westminster Lanes.
LARRY SPEJCHER – 300 and 812 bowled on 2/27/17 in Roger Stone Insurance 840 Sc. Classic at Fountain Bowl
RONALD ISNALL – 300 game rolled on 10/3/17 in Tues. 390 Sc. Doubles at Fountain Bowl
J.T. DISO – 300 & 812 rolled on 10/12/17 at Forest Lanes
RYAN SARGENT – 300 game bowled in Party Timers league at Linbrook Bowl on July 12, 2017.
SHAWN AGUSTIN – Bowled an 819 series at Carter Lanes on June 29, 2017.
JON DISO – Bowled a 300 game at Forest Lanes on July 10, 2017.
NEIL ANDERSON – picked up dreaded 7 – 10 split at Forest Lanes on July 12, 2017.
RYAN SARGENT – 813 bowled June 21, 2017, in the Party Timer’s League at Linbrook Bowl. His 2nd!
J T DISO – 805 bowled June 5, 2017, at Forest Lanes
CHRIS CASTANEDA – 300 bowled June 7, 2017, at Forest Lanes
SHANNON SANTOS – 300 bowled June 22, 2017, at Westminster Lanes
NEIL BYTEL – bowled a 300 game on May 4, 2017, at Westminster Lanes.
JOHNATHAN HUFF – bowled an 804 series on May 10, 2017, and another (800) on May 16, 2017.
Bowled both at Forest Lanes.
MATTHEW GOODLOE – bowled a 300 game on May 11, 2017, at Westminster Lanes.
DOUG NOBLES – bowled a 300 game on May 11, 2017, at Westminster Lanes.
BRIAN HARA – bowled a 300 game on May 25, 2017, at Carter Lanes.
BILL WATERS Bowled a 300 game on March 23, 2017, in the 150-Year-Old
Sr. Scratch League at Fountain Bowl.
Marcus Santillana (right) bowled a 300 game on October 12, 2017, in the Sansei Mixed Trios league at the AMF Carter Lanes. Presenting the ring is League Secretary, Everett Nishikawa (left).
300 ring presented to STEPHEN PONTING, Sr. He bowled his 300 in his Just Desserts league at Linbrook Bowl on Aug. 15, 2017. Ring presented by OCUSBC Association Manager Andrea Fredericks – L and Ann McElvain, league secretary, R.
300 Ring presentation to ED BARNES. He bowled his 300 in his Sunday High Rollers league at Westminster Lanes on Dec. 10, 2017, Ring presented by OCUSBC Association Manager Andrea Fredericks, L.
JOSHUA VILLEGAS bowled a 300 game on 10/21/17 in his Saturday Linbrook Jr. league. 300 Award being presented to Joshua by OCUSBC Association Manager, Andrea Fredericks (R).
Father & Son bowled a perfect game!
Same night, same league, same game!
KEVIN WEBSTER (father) and son, TRAVIS WEBSTER …father and son who bowled 300’s on the same night, during the same league, in the same game. They both shot a perfect game on Monday, 10/9/17, at Forest Lanes in the 3rd game in Bowlers Depot 595 scratch league.
EDDIE VASQUEZ, Jr. bowled 300 on 4/13/16…(took so long because he ordered it in gold)! He bowled his 300 in the River Magic league at Concourse Bowl. Ring presentation by OCUSBC director Greg Nardo, L.
SHAUN AGUSTIN bowled 819 on 6/29/17 in the Storm Sansei Trio league at AMF Carter Lanes. Ring presented to Shaun by OCUSBC director Linda Stewart, L.
CHRIS HEFNER bowled 300 on 8/11/17 in Rocky Marsh Doubles league at Linbrook Bowl. Ring presented by OCUSBC director Joy McGregor, L.
LARRY SPEJCHER bowled 812 on 2/27/17 in the 840 Scratch Classic league at Fountain Bowl. Ring presented by OCUSBC president Gary Forman, L.
Ring Presentation to TIMOTHY HANK for his 821 bowled on 6/24/17 in the Sunday High Rollers at Westminster Lanes. Ring presented to Timothy by OCUSBC Association Manager Andrea Fredericks on right.
PAUL SEDILLO bowled an 801 on 7/30/17 in On the Road Again league at Westminster Lanes. Ring presented to Paul by OCUSBC Association Manager Andrea Fredericks – L.
STEPHEN PONTING, Sr. bowled 300 in Linbrook Loonies league at Linbrook Bowl. Ring presented by OCUSBC Association Manager Andrea Fredericks, L and Secretary Ann McElvain, R.
SHANNON SANTOS bowled a 300 game in the Adult/Junior league at Westminster Lanes on June 22, 2017. He was presented his ring by OCUSBC Director Rey Cabatbat (R).
EMILY COMMESSER shot a 300 game in her Vegas Gamblers league on July 9, 2017, at La Habra “300” Bowl. Ring presented to Emily by Linda Stewart, OCUSBC Director (R).
GARY WINGETT BOWLED AN 803 SERIES…in his Frank’s Gold Cup league at La Habra 300 Bowl. He is presented his ring by OCUSBC director Linda Stewart (R).
BRYAN MAXWELL – 800 ring presentation. He rolled his 817 series on 4/24/17 in his Aces or Better league at Irvine Lanes. Ring presented by OCUSBC Association Mgr. Andrea Fredericks (R).
SOCHEAT LIM – bowled an 816 on 4/23/17 in his On The Road Again league at Westminster Lanes. Ring presentation by OCUSBC Association Mgr. Andrea Fredericks (L) and league president Paul Guthrie (R).
JASON AMARO…Bowled a 300 game on March 19, 2017, in the Wally’s Vegas Cruise league at La Habra “300” Bowl. Ring presented by OCUSBC director Linda Stewart (L).
300 ring presented to RAY GALLE. He bowled his 300 game on March 16, 2017, in the Silver & Gold league at Carter Lanes. Ring presentation by OCUSBC director, Linda Stewart (R).
KIRK KEITH accepting his a crystal 300 award presented by OCUSBC director Linda Stewart (r) for bowling a 300 game in his ANC Mixed 4 league at La Habra 300 Bowl on 2/22/17.
JEFF STANSELL (C) rolled his 300 on 11/15/15 in the Gold Cup Classic league at Carter Lanes. The ring being presented on 4/4/17 by League Pres., Robert Hetzel (L) and OCUSBC Assn. Mgr. Andrea Fredericks (R).
RYAN SARGENT rolled his 800 (802) in the Sunday High Rollers league at Westminster Lanes on 10-12-16. Ring presentation by OCUSBC director Joy McGregor (L).
JAMES GREENE rolled his 300 game in the On The Road Again league at Westminster Lanes on Oct. 16/16. Ring presented by OCUSBC director Joe Santa Maria (R).
NEIL BYTEL rolled his 300 in the Men’s Commercial league at Westminster Lanes on 12-8-16. Ring presentation by league sec. Frank Horst (r).
JEFF TORRES rolled his 800 (803) in the Vegas Gamblers league at La Habra 300 Bowl on 9-30-16. Ring presentation by OCUSBC director Linda Stewart (l).
GLENN NISHINAKA rolled his 300 in the Nikkei Trios league at Fountain Bowl on 12-8-16. Ring presented by OCUSBC Pres. Gary Forman (R).
JAMES COCHRAN rolled his 800 (801) in the On The Road Again league at Westminster Lanes on 12-11-16. Ring presented by OCUSBC Assn. Mgr. Andrea Fredericks.
JEFFREY CUNNINGHAM. He bowled his 800 at Westminster Lanes in the Monday Vegas league on Dec. 5, 2016. Presented by OCUSBC director, Greg Nardo (r).
ERIC HEFNER rolled his 300 game at Valley View Lanes on Jan. 11, 2017. Presenting Eric (Center Left) with his ring are: League Secretary, Vicki Wachter (Left), League President, Joe Rodriguez (Center Right), and OCUSBC Director, Joe Santa Maria (Right).
JOSHUA HERBERGER (R) bowled his 300 on the Slots of Fun league at Forest Lanes on Dec. 28/16.
Presentation by Jessica Diso, USBC director.
CASEY JONES was presented (on his birthday) the 800 ring award for his 804 shot in the VIP Laughlin league at Carter. The ring was presented by OCUSBC Youth Director, Linda Stewart (R).
Linda Stewart (R) OCUSBC Youth Director, presented the 800 ring award to MARCUS SANTILLANA who bowled an 811 in the Sansei Trios league at Carter.
Congratulations to Conrad Rucker (right) who bowled 300 at La Habra in the Vegas Rollers league on 10/2/16. His 300 ring was presented by OCUSBC youth director, Linda Stewart (left).
Congratulations to Michael Davis (left) who bowled 300 at La Habra in the Vegas Gambles league
on 9/30/16. His 300 ring was presented by OCUSBC youth director, Linda Stewart (right).
Congratulations to Jolee Van Der Haar (left) who bowled her 300 in the Aces & Eights league
at Irvine Lanes on October 3, 2016. Her 300 ring was presented by Andrea Fredericks (right).
Congratulations to Danny Haworth who bowled 300 at La Habra
in the Vegas Gamblers league. His 300 ring was presented by Linda Stewart.
Manny Contreras receives his 300 Ring (Aug. 16, 2016).
He bowled the perfect game in the Vegas or Bust league @ Concourse.
Priscilla Williams and Cindy Bender presented Manny with his 300 Ring.
Mike Knutson (center) receives his 300 Ring after bowling a 300 game on 4/18/2016
in the Monday Vegas League at Westminster Lanes.
Also in the photo are the league President and Vice President.
Ryan Sagent (right) bowled a 3oo game at Fountain Bowl in the 840 Scratch Classic League on 12/28/15.
Gary Forman, president OCUSBC, presented the award at the 300 Ring Presentation.
Gene Day (left) bowled a 300 game at Concourse on 9/20/15.
Gary Forman, president OCUSBC, presented the award at the 300 Ring Presentation.